Thursday, May 25, 2006

Thirteen Thursday: Summer Goals

cSpecial thanks to Krisco who brought us this game and encourages us to get to know each other a little better. This week I give you the thirteen things I hope to get accomplished this summer.

1) Clean up my craft room/office. I want it to go to more of an office than a craft room. Papa bought me a laptop for Mother's Day so I have my very own "space". No one gets to use this bad girl but me. Maybe it seems like a small thing to other people, but for someone who's kids eat right off her plate the idea of a small place all my own is just giddy-producing.

2) Teach 7 weeks of Camp MDO. We're doing different countries as themes and the research and preparation is great for teaching my own kids.

3) Paint the boys room. I want each of them to get to put their own personalities in their space - even if it does mean some crazy colors or whatever. It's just paint, I keep reminding myself.

4) Shred all the old documents stored in the garage. I'm down to the last three boxes of crap that were collected for years. Now it's time to get it gone.

5) Clean up the indoor file cabinet. We have a four drawer and that just makes us keep every little scrap of paper (okay, it makes Papa keep it; I'm a serial throw-aware). I want to bring down our on site paperwork to two more decorative drawers and not this big metal box that we used at our old office.

6) Paint the baseboards. I love, LOVE, LOVE!! my new floors. We're almost done except the last of the painting the baseboards with a high gloss paint. Okay...maybe I'll give this one to Papa...

7) Put a bunch of stuff on eBay, Craigslist or Freecycle. After pimping Pampered Chef I have so many stones. I have found that I really only use a few of them so the rest of them are being sold. I've found a few other things we've been holding on to that would really be better out of our house and maybe being put to better use somewhere else. This may be a byproduct of my HGTV addiction.

8) Visit every free pool or attraction in our town. We live a great town that has a ton of free things to do. I want to experience all of them with the boys!

9) Get J-boy's tonsils removed. Since it's already scheduled for June I feel pretty safe saying this will get done. I'm scared...

10) Buy bikes for Papa and myself so that we can take the boys down to the Velloway to ride.

11) Have at least 3 friend get-togethers at our house. We are so bad about not having people over because we get caught up in other stuff. We need to have connections and fellowship with others.

12) Find a church home. We've been putting it off for far too long.

13) Start The Grocery Game to try to cut our grocery bill down. I see that line in the budget keep climbing and with two boys I can't imagine it getting smaller. I'm just trying to control or manage it.

That's some of the goals. I'm sure there are more.

Did you play??



Candy said...

Dang... I'm tired just reading that... screw it... just play with the kids all Summer... that's my plan. :-)

CRRE said...

I'm interested in the Grocery Game, too, and you reminded me of it to the point that I just had a huge discussion with Don about it and a few other things we can do to organize and save money around here. With (so to be) 3 kids, I'm freaking out at the lack of control I have over what gets kept-vs-thrown out, how the money is spent at the grocery store, where things are stored, etc.

If you do the game, let me know. I just started my trial period. Wanna be game buddies?