Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Rant On: Women's Clothes

I went shopping yesterday. I tried on skirts and some pants and all of them seem to have one thing in commom. They all have the zipper on the left hand side. Um, is my right arm longer than my left arm? Why is is on the side?

Very few of the moms I know can and still do wear mid-drift baring tops. We are not all built like Le Brit (and frankly, neither will she be now that she's squeezed out a pup) so let's add just a few inches to the bottom seamline of the shirt shall we?



Kami said...

I know.

Kami said...

I know.

Kami said...

I know.

Kami said...

Maybe we should all start shopping at the Dress Barn.

Kami said...

EGAD! Sorry.

-E said...

Clearly Ms. Kami feels very passionate about this subject. Odd since she looks like a BILLION bucks in her profile shot.