Friday, January 13, 2006

We Knew It Was Coming

J boy has his well child visit today. Asthma is doing better. Good. Still the doctor dropped on us that it's time to have his tonsils removed. We knew it was going to happen, but the speed in which things are moving is a tad frightening for me. We go to the ENT next week and possibly surgery the week after.


I know it's better to do it now. I know he'll feel better once it's done. I know, I know, I know...

I also know I'm scared out of my pink Nikes.



Kami said...

YIKES! Poor little dude! Poor you!

Kate Giovinco Photography said...

That is scary poor little guy!

Greta Adams said...

That was the best thing they could have ever did for my 3 year old. He was actually 2 when they took them out. Haven't had ANY PROBLEMS what so evah....

Good LUck

Beth said...

Poor guy, but mostly poor mommy. I'd be terrified too!